My friends Nancy and Randy Williams sent me this photo taken recently at the Villa Witold in Charleston, SC. The villa, inspired by the loggia of Palladio’s Villa Saraceno, was built in 2011 by Reid Burgess, George Holt, and Andrew Gould. Palladio built the original in 1548 outside Finale de Agugliaro, a small town in the Veneto. Described in detail in Charleston Fancy: Little Houses & Big Dreams in the Holy City.

Bonjour # Hello,
Writing as the registrar for the Stewart Program for modern design in Montreal.
We just acquired for our design collection one nice scarf by Herta Riedl Ursin. We would like to add her onto our Designed by Women web site. We are missing her birth date and a portrait to complete our entry.
Would you have any clues? Would you know more about the Three Kings Studio which was in Montreal near McGill University, it seems. Hoping you will be able to answer us. Many thanks, Angéline Dazé, Registrar web site:
Baroness Riedl-Ursin was probably born around 1900. She died in the seventies in her home in Vienna, Austria. I was her protegee since year 1963 until I moved to Toronto in 1971. During this time she had health problems and moved back home, but came back to Canada where she opened another studio – still on Sherbrooke but closer to Cote des Neiges. I used to go out a lot with her ; she would introduce me to people who where very “romanesque”. I still have a woven shawl she made for me which colour she called “Gothic Blue”. And last time I went to Montreal and visited the Hotel Bonnaventure I was sadened to see that her tapestry “The Eye of God” was not in display anymore….
I tried to submit a comment, but was not successful. Baroness Riedl-Ursin was a friend of mine.